KTC Services Offered

IRS certified Acceptance Agent (ITIN W-7 Renewal or Initial Applications) Personal & Business Income Tax preparation, Bookkeeping, Notary and Payroll. Always confidential!!
Please "Click" the "PIC" to Email "Jim"
Did you received a letter from the IRS demanding your hard earned cash? Tom is an Enrolled Agent (EA). EAs do NOT work for the IRS BUT do work for YOU and are authorized to represent you before the IRS. Tom also specializes in OFFER & COMPROMISE!!! Always confidential!

Killeen Tax Center

American Flag Waving
Need to file NOW!!! We have a direct link to the secure "1040.COM" Website. Just "Click" on our LINK to the right to begin MAXIMIZING your refund.
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Please "Click" the "PIC" to Email "Tom"